Losing Amber - A Weight Loss Journal

I'm a 28 year old Mommy to two boys. I recently had my 2nd baby November 2006 and now I'm ready to battle the pounds and reach my goals. I plan to use this journal to post my successes and moans on the battle to a happier, healthy body.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Weight loss tips from Dr. Phil

Weight loss tips....

I typed this up for another weight loss loop I'm on. Figured I may as well post it here for others interested...

The August 05 Good Housekeeping had a good article with tips from Dr. Phil. I don't care for him myself but he does have some good advice. I won't go word for word but give a summary...

Five ways to loose big:
1.Have a specific goal. - Don't just say you want to loose some weight. Be specific. How many lbs. do you want to loose? Visualize yourself at goal and use the image to keep you strong and commited.

2.Get a plan. - Willpower doesn't work. You need to have a strategy and it needs to include diet and exercise. Get rid of expandable clothing, stay away from fast food, stock healthy items at home.

3.Identify small measurable steps.- Implement steps that will fit your lifestyle, not someone else's. Move towards a positive goal, not just stay away from being fat (his words LOL).

4. Create Meaningful Monitoring - If you report your progress to someone you'll be more likely to stick with the plan. Go public with people who will support you.

5.Create a healthy realistic timeline - Where do you want to be in a year? Fit your goals to your calendar, don't expect to see results overnight. If you change your lifestyle your weight will change too.

Other ideas from the article -

3 obstacles people have to overcome if you want to loose weight:

1. Get over the idea that emotion alone can get you through this. It doesn't matter how pumped you are when you start off, that feeling eventually fades. So if you don't see a quick enough payoff its easy to want to give up. You need to program your environment that once your emotional commitment waves your physical surroundings will reinforce you. Build exercise in your schedule...get rid of fattening foods..you can't eat what's not there.

2. Fear. 80% of all choices are based on fear. Most people don't choose what they want, they choose the safe option. Fear keeps people from addressing the emotional issues on why they eat and from looking at a better way to handle those emotions. People don't get overweight because of what they eat. They get overweight because of where, when, why they eat. Food is a coping mechanism, people are afraid to give it up because they will feel confused and lost. You need to replace destructive patterns with constructive ones that don't center on food.

3. Choosing the path of least resistance. Its not easy to change. Not everyone supports our choices and desire to change. You have to be prepared for others to feel threatened and resist what you are trying to do. Stay committed to your goal and eventually you will find supporters and overcome what stood in your way.

So its been a while....

A long, long while LOL. I'm still at 165ish. BUT the last 3 weeks I've been exercising. I try for 3 cardio sessions and 2 strength a week and I've been doing it. I'm just trying to watch what I eat. I go back and forth on what plan I want to follow. I know Atkins will show weight loss but then I go on binge cycles from not eating certain things. I like Atkins but an eating plan shouldn't be so hard to stick with. So for now I'm just back to trying to watch portions, make better choices, write it all down.

Mostly the reason why I didn't post on here was because I started a fitness journal on livejournal but I realized I prefer here so I'm back.

We are thinking not this cycle but the next we are going to try to get pregnant. I've been saying this forever but I would like to drop a little weight by then. No matter what I don't want to stop exercising this time around. I want to make it consistent my whole pregnancy.