Losing Amber - A Weight Loss Journal

I'm a 28 year old Mommy to two boys. I recently had my 2nd baby November 2006 and now I'm ready to battle the pounds and reach my goals. I plan to use this journal to post my successes and moans on the battle to a happier, healthy body.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I haven't been doing so hot on exercise this week. Last week I missed Mon and Tues, then exercised Wed-Sat for 4 days of exercise. This week I missed Mon, Tues, and today (Thursday). I did get in some cardio on Wed. I just want to be more consistent with it. Just keep trying I suppose. Dylan has been sick so his coughing messed me up Tuesday. I slept deep but woke up tired this morning and too late to do any exercise. Hopefully tommorow I can get back in the groove.

Ugh I've also been eating too much work chocolate. Darn the holidays in that respect. I'm looking into some weight watchers books so I can start implementing that program. Everyone I know has done so well on it!

Friday, December 02, 2005

This week...

So far I've got 3 out of my 4 days of workouts in. I like to get at least 4 a week in. I would have done Monday and Tuesday but after being screwed up with Black Friday and sleep I overslept Mon. and Tues.

Wed. - Bike and Weights, Thurs. - Taebo and weights, Today - Bike, weights later.

I usually get my weights in at night. This morning seemed so LONG on the bike. Somedays it totally flys by, NOT today. Tomorow I would like to go for a long walk/jog. I haven't been able to do that in a long time.

I feel good but I wish I would see more progress. I of course fluctuate between 165 and 166. I'm thinking I'm going to go back to doing Body for Life with eating. I need to overhaul my eating. Its not horrible but not optimal for weight loss.