Losing Amber - A Weight Loss Journal

I'm a 28 year old Mommy to two boys. I recently had my 2nd baby November 2006 and now I'm ready to battle the pounds and reach my goals. I plan to use this journal to post my successes and moans on the battle to a happier, healthy body.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A few things to try

There are a few things, ideas I really want to give a shot too. I'm working on reading Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover. I'll post more of my ideas from there when I have more time. I like how he makes you think about your emotional reasons as to why you haven't lost the weight. A lot of stuff he wrote in there rang true to me. One of which was I need to make sure I'm being honest with myself.

I've been working to keep a journal for food but it gets a little out of hand once I get home, same with on the weekends.

I'm also trying to drink Green tea daily, not the processed stuff but the regular ol' tea bags and a bit of honey. Supposedly some people have lost weight without trying when they drank it daily. I'm not holding stock in that but its worth a shot at least.

I want to find my pedometer and start wearing it again, really make an effort to get in extra exercise. Park farther out and walk farther. I take the stairs at work but continue to do that when I go other places.

I cleaned out a lot of old jeans this past weekend. It sucks, I figure I can use this for motivation in a way. I did keep a few of my favorite items. BUT if I loose the weight then I have to get new clothes LOL! I realized the last time I jumped sizes was when I moved to where I am not and started driving an hour each way instead of 20 min. I guess those extra minutes in the car really do add up. I do like my job but I'll be SO glad when I can give up that commute....its been 5 years now : /

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Been more than a lil' lazy

I suck, I completely and utterly suck and this sticking with it thing LOL. Why is it so hard for someone who knows what they have to do to loose weight to do it?? Why can I manage to stick to something for 30 days and then totally fall off the wagon?

I haven't been exercising. Its like I get to bed too late. I tell myself every single night...no later than 10:30....11 max. Then its 11 or 11:30. So really I need to make an effort on that. If I get to bed too late I can't get up early enough.

Eating. I started the ishape.com program. It looks good and I started to eat clean yesterday. I did good till last night then blew it. Sometimes I don't know what is wrong with me. I'll do so good then just quit thinking about what I want to eat.

But at least I'm trying right? Trying is better than not trying.

I think its set we are going to start trying for another baby in August. So I really need to get my ass in gear. I would like to loose 20 lbs at least.